Assam or Darjeeling? Here’s How to Pick.

How often have we come across this choice and picked just any, without a thought! India is amongst the largest producers of tea and yet, most Indians are unaware of the difference between the Assam tea and Darjeeling tea. Well, apart from the names, which are a give away of the geographical origin of these varieties, very few of us could tell the other differences. This article discusses much of these differences, subtle and obvious.

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Benefits of Drinking Black Tea with Lemon

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It’s winters. A dark cup of black tea with a slice of lemon on the sides is not only a visual delight, but a delight to olfactory senses, a relief to nervous system, to immune system, to tummy health & to the muscles. Steaming hot black tea is instant warmth, to your palms, first and then to the body, mind & lets face it, it reaches right to the soul in those uncomfortable, gloomy winters.

Lemon is one popular ingredient that pairs deliciously well with black tea. The brisk flavour of black tea is enhanced by just the few drops of lemony citrus. There are many ways in which lemon can be added to tea:

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5 Best Variants of Teame Black Teas

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Black tea is one of the popular & celebrated teas in the world. It is made by roasting Camellia Sinensis leaves. The leaves are oxidised for longer period of time, making a darker leaf and cup. Its taste could be described as strong, brisk and astringent – the much loved in India. It is a tea that goes well with milk, honey or sugar, in addition to ginger spice & cardamom. The tea is blended in many permutations. Here are some popular varieties:

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Wake up to Winter Mornings with Black Teas by TE-A-ME

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An aromatic preparation, that gives you a quick pick me up in the morning, what comes to mind other than the sweet old Black Tea? Black Tea is a popular preparation over the world, preferred as morning beverage and is made using Camellia Sinensis leaves. These leaves are oxidised for longer periods, leading to a darker leaf colour and a stronger brew. Black Tea’s taste is often described as highly brisk and astringent – perfect for those who like it strong. It is a tea that goes well with milk, honey or sugar. With its increasing popularity and flavour variety, it is now easy to get your hands on a good deal of black tea online – in terms of variety as well as price, packaging and form. Here are some of TE-A-ME’s fine picks:

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